General, Solo, Small Firms, Professional Development, Ethics, Law Office Technology/Management, Young Lawyers Division, Skills

Document Management and Retention: Can I Throw It Away Yet?


It is not uncommon for firms to have hundreds, sometimes thousands of closed bankers boxes sitting around, with some spending thousands of dollars on closed file storage per month. Many firms are starting to move towards paperless office environments, which begs the question(s) “How long do I have to keep my closed files ... paper and/or electronic?”... and “How can I convert that paper to digital so I can destroy the paper files?” In this webinar, you will learn the essentials about document management & retention and a common-sense economical and ethical approach to a complex issue.

This program will be rebroadcasted in December.

SAVE MONEY: Use the prepaid CLE credits that come with your TBA Complete Membership and save on this course. Not a TBA member? Join now to start saving.

From those of us from the rotary dial era, this was excellent and we can now simi know what the younger generation is up to.

Great seminar on document management and rules for how long you must retain client files

Good presentation of time frame for document retention and the best methods for retention.

Really clear, organized, and packed with important takeaways!

Very informative. It answered a question I have been needing answered for awhile. Appreciate it!

Great seminar, this guy was very knowledgeable, easy to listen to and understand.

Great work! Thank you!

I appreciated all of the options Paul provided and the pros and cons of each.

Fantastic speaker


I am not currently practicing and was more interested in what to do with my files from years ago...which those questions were answered but what I found insightful for my current vocation and even if I go back to private practice is just this whole idea of document management/organiztion and how documents are created on multiple platforms.

Very substantive overview.

Very useful and provided for and against examples that were very instructive

Excellent treatment of vital practice hygiene questions.

Very useful information on the values of document storage systems and shortcomings of consumer based models.

Very helpful information.

Good, practical info.plenty of things to think about.

Great resources and really solid review of rules regarding destruction.

This is one of the most useful CLEs that I have watched. Highly recommend.


This course is no longer available for purchase.

Course Information Webcast - Archived Video Highlights
  • Ethics Credit Available
  • Convenient CLE from your home or office
  • Viewable from your laptop or mobile device
Course Credits Dual Credits: 1.00
General Credits: 0.00
Total Credits: 1

This program will be filed for Tennessee CLE credit. Please email a request to for Georgia and Mississippi CLE credit.