Ethics, Young Lawyers Division, Skills, Attorney Wellness

How Mindfulness Can Help You Avoid Legal Burnout, Continue to Competently Perform Legal Services, and Remain Ethically Compliant


Back by popular demand, TBA CLE brings you an attorney wellness session providing tools to combat and avoid legal burnout.

As attorneys, constant stress is often a part of the job. If we don’t effectively manage chronic stress, however, it has the potential to cripple our productivity levels and make it physically, mentally, and emotionally impossible to effectively advocate for our clients and ourselves. Further, we run the risk of running afoul of the rules of
professional conduct. Instituting even 1 or 2 minutes of meditation and mindfulness into our daily routines can have immediate and far-reaching benefits in our professional and personal lives. Become your best self now. Join us as we demystify meditation and focus on the basics of mindfulness: what it is and isn’t, how to do it, and how to maximize its benefits. We will delve into specific methods of integrating mindfulness into your day-to-day law practice.

This 60-min CLE session will empower you to:
• Protect yourself from burnout
• Improve focus and boost your overall productivity and efficiency
• Curb anxiety and stress thru quick, effective “spot treatments”
• Use mindfulness to enhance ethical decision-making and conflict resolution

This program will be rebroadcasted in December.

SAVE MONEY: Use the prepaid CLE credits that come with your TBA Complete Membership and save on this course. Not a TBA member? Join now to start saving.

I just loved this CLE! The presenters were kind, easy to listen to and informative. I am currently taking a break from law practice due to burnout and found this CLE applicable to me and my situation. I'm eager to practice more mindfulness.

This CLE helpfully tied in how mindfulness can help improve one's life generally and comply with ethical obligations.

I always appreciate the opportunity to receive new methods and thoughts on how to alleviate stress in my practice. Thank you!


Course Pricing
  • Member: 50.00
  • Non-Member: 80.00
If you are not a TBA Member, you can join now to receive CLE discount prices and three prepaid credits.

TBA members who are judges, lawmakers and law students can take TBA CLE onsite courses at no charge for the programming. There may be a separate charge if meals, special materials or other premium features are involved.
Course Information Webcast - Archived Video Highlights
  • Ethics Credit Available
  • Convenient CLE from your home or office
  • VIewable from your laptop or mobile device
  • Interactive Webinar!
  • Earn your CLE by December 31
  • Discounts Available for TBA Members
Course Credits Dual Credits: 1.00
General Credits: 0.00
Total Credits: 1

This program will be filed for Tennessee CLE credit. Please email a request to for Georgia and Mississippi CLE credit.