
What Emojis Teach About Lawyer Legal Ethics


There are all kinds of emojis with all kinds of meanings. But they’re not just for fun anymore — a recent court case confirmed the substantive, legal impact of emojis. You know what that means, right? There are ethical implications as well. Join the CLE Performer, Stuart Teicher, as he explains what lawyers need to know about emojis to stay out of trouble…and he’ll also use the fun ones to teach about some rules.

Topics include:

  • Can emojis be communication? Rule 1.4
  • New emojis and ethical change - Rule 1.1, Comment [8]
  • The mandatory duty to advise, through emojis? Rule 2.1
  • Giving direction and Rule 5.3

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Fun topic and interesting to see if it applies to my career

This was so interesting. Definitely things I did not consider.

This was fun and interesting.


Course Pricing
  • Member: 50.00
  • Non-Member: 80.00
If you are not a TBA Member, you can join now to receive CLE discount prices and three prepaid credits.

TBA members who are judges, lawmakers and law students can take TBA CLE onsite courses at no charge for the programming. There may be a separate charge if meals, special materials or other premium features are involved.
Course InformationHighlights
  • Ethics Credit Available
Course Credits Dual Credits: 1.00
General Credits: 0.00
Total Credits: 1

This program will be filed for Tennessee CLE credit. Please email a request to for Georgia and Mississippi CLE credit.