In this presentation, Todd Presnell and Kristi Arth will analyze the new expert opinion privilege created by the Tennessee Supreme Court in Borngne ex rel. Hyter v. Chattanooga-Hamilton Cnty. Hosp. Auth. Presnell and Arth are coauthors of the treatise Privileges and Protections: Tennessee and Sixth Circuit Law (LexisNexis 2024). The presentation will provide an overview of the case, outline Tennessee’s newest evidentiary privilege, breakdown the open questions about its scope that will need development through future litigation, and analyze the privilege through the authors’ proposed privilege adoption framework.
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Interesting topic. Nice to know about privilege and possible extensions into other areas.
great discussion
This was a great presentation on a landmark ruling for healthcare liability cases.
This was incredibly helpful regarding privilege and specifically this new "Expert Opinion Privilege" or "Colleague Privilege" here in Tennessee. I have an upcoming case where I believe this and the "Bornge" opinion could be really impactful so I am glad to have a better understanding of it moving forward with this case and in my practice in general.