General, Solo, Small Firms, Law Office Technology/Management, Skills

Summer Success Series: How to Create a Written Cybersecurity Plan for Your Organization


Start taking steps today to secure your law firm and your client’s confidential data! Written Information Security Programs (WISPs) are becoming essential in many states that have enacted data protection and business shield legislation. Many cybersecurity insurance carriers covering lawyers are starting to require WISPs. Setting aside legislative and insurance requirements, under the Rules of Professional Conduct, lawyers still must implement safe technologies and processes to safeguard client confidential data. Join us for this very practical session to learn the essential elements of a Written Information Security Program. In this session, we will cover ransomware attacks, phishing schemes, cloud computing, mobile device management, full disk encryption, secure document management, shadow-IT, two- factor authentication, password management, VPNs, anti-virus, backup, user education, and more.

SAVE MONEY: Use the prepaid CLE credits that come with your TBA Complete Membership and save on this course. Not a TBA member? Join now to start saving. 

Not a Law Tech or General Solo Section member? Join either or both sections for additional savings and benefits.


Course Pricing
  • Member: 50.00
  • Non-Member: 80.00
  • Section: 40.00
If you are not a TBA Member, you can join now to receive CLE discount prices and three prepaid credits.

TBA members who are judges, lawmakers and law students can take TBA CLE onsite courses at no charge for the programming. There may be a separate charge if meals, special materials or other premium features are involved.