WiP Wellness Webcast Series: 3 Dual


Earn 3 dual hours with this wellness focused webcast package produced by the Women in the Profession (WiP) Committee. This package is applicable to all attorneys, both male and female. Videos in this package include:

The Nuts & Bolts of TLAP: Who We Are, Who We Help, and How We Do It

TBA's Women in the Profession Committee welcomes Erin Lynch and Lauren Castor with the Tennessee Lawyers Assistance Program (TLAP). Erin and Lauren will discuss the nuts and bolts of TLAP and ways the program can be a valuable resource to Tennessee attorneys.

The Tennessee Lawyers Assistance Program (TLAP) was established by Rule 33 of the Tennessee Supreme Court in January 1999 in order to protect the public, assist members of the profession, and educate the bench and bar. In this presentation, TLAP’s clinical staff, Lauren Castor, MS, and Erin Lynch, EdM, MA, will provide an overview of TLAP’s mission and how its confidential clinical services help support members of the legal profession struggling with a mental health concerns, substance use disorders, and other behavioral difficulties. Participants will also learn how to support other professionals in receiving help from TLAP, while fully upholding the anonymity and confidentiality of both the people who are referred to us and those who refer them. 

Shift Happens - Surviving the Law Profession

The billable hour, adrenaline addiction, empathy fatigue, and the badge of honor culture pervasive in law firms and among the judiciary is leading to increased rates of burnout and unhealthy coping skills. What is true wellness? Based upon overwhelming research associated with increased alcohol/drug use, increased stress/anxiety/depression, and feelings of isolation plaguing the law profession, this seminar provides real world strategies to achieve wellness while facing daily professional challenges. This is not your typical “wellness” seminar...it is science met with strategies. You owe it to yourself (and the law profession) to create a shift! 

Mental Wealth: Investing in Yourself

Investing in Yourself for the Short- and Long-Term Gains. Most people were taught at a young age how to manage their finances and short and long term wealth management strategies. Indeed, most high school students now cannot graduate without taking a home finance class! But what about mental health? Investing in your mental, emotional and spiritual well-being is only recently being discussed and many people find themselves seeking help only when they are mentally bankrupt. Please join Rachel Schaffer Lawson and Laura Durbin as they share their courageous stories about what it means to invest in your mental wealth, share resources and discuss how to implement strategies to ensure your mental well-being is flush for life.

Courses Included

Package Pricing
  • Member: 150.00
  • Non-Member: 240.00
If you are not a TBA Member, you can join now to receive CLE discount prices and three prepaid credits.

TBA members who are judges, lawmakers and law students can take TBA CLE onsite courses at no charge for the programming. There may be a separate charge if meals, special materials or other premium features are involved.
Package Credits Dual Credits: 3
General Credits: 0
Total Credits: 3