Janet Kleinfelter joined the Office of Tennessee Attorney General in May 1992 and served in the Financial Division until 2006 when she was named Special Counsel. She served in that position until she was named Deputy of the Public Interest Division in September 2009. After obtaining her law degree from the University of Tennessee in 1989, Janet clerked for the Honorable William C. Koch on the Tennessee Court of Appeals before joining the Office. Janet received her undergraduate degree from King College in 1986.
The Public Interest Division (PID) advises and represents all state entities and officials on public records and open meetings act matters. The Division also has responsibility for overseeing all nonprofit corporations, including public benefit hospitals, and all charitable gift and charitable trust related matters for the Attorney General’s Office, and provides advice and representation to the Division of Charitable Solicitation and Charitable Gaming in the Tennessee Secretary of State’s Office. Additionally, PID represents the State Election Coordinator and the Bureau of Ethics and Campaign Finance on election, campaign finance, and ethics matters. And PID’s False Claims team handles non-Medicaid false claims issues.