Chuck Fisher has a general business and litigation practice, with a focus on finance, real estate, business transactions and business litigation. Chuck handles a variety of business transactions, including contracts, debt and equity financing, business acquisitions and real estate sales, leasing and development. In addition, he is an experienced litigation attorney with a focus on commercial collections, contractual and shareholder disputes and matters involving real estate and title insurance.
Chuck enjoys helping small and medium-sized companies, especially start-ups and entrepreneurs, in organizing, funding and growing their businesses. In conjunction with Chattanooga's Small Business Development Center and the Chattanooga Area Chamber of Commerce, he holds a clinic twice monthly in which he provides legal advice to start-ups and entrepreneurs.
He is admitted to practice in Alabama and Tennessee and before the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Tennessee and the U.S. Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit and Eleventh Circuit. He is a frequent seminar instructor for the National Business Institute and the Tennessee Bar Association in the areas of contracts, real property, title insurance, commercial finance and executions on civil judgments.