Sean Lewis is licensed in Tennessee and focuses his bi-lingual practice on Immigration Law and hybrid CrimImm/Juvenile Law-Immigration. Sean Lewis is the founding and managing member of an immigration law firm based in Nashville also with offices in Chattanooga, Knoxville, and Memphis, TN. Sean practices nationwide before the immigration courts (EOIR/BIA) and all U.S. Consulates world-wide. Mr. Lewis received a Bachelor of the Arts from Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and his Doctor of Jurisprudence from the Golden Gate University School of Law in San Francisco, California. Sean's major was in Philosophy (Social Ethics) and he studied for a year at Oxford University. Sean is the past Chair of the Tennessee Bar Association Committee ("TBA") on the Unauthorized Practice of Law and serves and is also past-chair of the TBA Immigration Section. Sean is also the past Chair of the Nashville Bar Association's Immigration Law Section and served on the AILA UPIL (unauthorized practice of immigration law)Committee until 2016. He is a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA, The Federal Bar Association (Immigration Law Section), Federal Bar Association Immigration Law Section (FBA) and the National Lawyer's Guild (NIP). Sean Lewis is a graduate of the TBA Leadership Law Class of 2010.
Sean Lewis is a frequent speaker on many issues related to immigration law, the unauthorized practice of law and issues facing immigrants and their attorneys. Mr. Lewis drafted legislation with TBA members in 2006 which amended the notary public laws in the State of Tennessee and is still used today to fight unscrupulous "notarios" who target the immigrant community. He is fluent in Spanish and provides bi-lingual legal services. Before becoming an attorney, Mr. Lewis was a recording artist with NOISE/BMG and toured as lead guitarist of 80's Metal Band "London" (formerly known as "D'Priest")from Hollywood, CA. His current lawyer band "Shyster" performs clubs and CLE functions around the country. Sean is also a licensed pilot and is the father of five.