Faculty Profile: Nicholas Spangler

Nicholas SpanglerTennessee Attorney General's Office
Previous Courses Taught (2)
  • Court of Criminal Appeals Bootcamp 2021: Judicial Considerations Panel
  • Court of Criminal Appeals Boot Camp 2021

Nick is the Associate Solicitor General for criminal matters at the Tennessee Attorney General’s Office.  He began his legal career as a law clerk to the Honorable Don Ash in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.  He then served as an Assistant District Attorney in his hometown of Manchester, Tennessee.  Most recently, Nick served as the Deputy of the Criminal Appeals Division of the Attorney General’s Office.  He has primarily handled criminal appeals and federal habeas matters at the Attorney General’s Office since 2010, including many cases before the Tennessee Supreme Court, the Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals, and the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.  Nick is a graduate of the University of North Dakota School of Law in Grand Forks and Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minnesota.