Glen A. Kyle is an attorney in the Knoxville law office of Franklin & Kyle Elder Law, LLC. Glen practices in the area of elder law, which includes life care planning, Medicaid benefit planning, estate planning, conservatorships, and probate and trust administration. He has conducted presentations on elder law topics to attorneys, financial professionals, and civic organizations. Glen is a Murfreesboro native, and earned his B.A. degree from Rutgers University. He graduated with honors from the University of Memphis Cecil C. Humpreys School of Law, where he was the Business Editor of the University of Memphis Law Review. Before attending law school, Glen worked for many years in retail banking. He is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, the Knoxville Estate Planning Council, the Knoxville Bar Association, and the Tennessee Bar Association. He also serves as a board member of the Knoxville Chapter of the Society of Financial Service Providers.