Faculty Profile: Andrew Rankin

Andrew RankinLaw Office of Andrew Rankin
Previous Courses Taught (10)
  • Immigration Law Forum 2023: Making Sense of the Categorical and Modified Categorical Approaches: A Practical Workshop
  • Immigration Judges Unfiltered: A Candid Discussion on Judicial Independence, Internal Ethics and Communication, and Other Structural Concerns
  • Immigration Law Forum 2023
  • Immigration Law 2021: Hello, Darkness, My Old Friend - A Reset of Sorts to the U.S. Asylum System
  • Immigration Law Basics 2022
  • Immigration Law 2021: Immigration Law at the Supreme Court 2020-2021
  • Immigration Law Updates 2021
  • Immigration Law 2020: Third-Country Transit Ban for Asylum
  • Immigration Law Forum 2021
  • Immigration Law Fall Forum 2020

Andrew Rankin earned a Bachelor of Arts degree (summa cum laude) in May 2009 and a Juris Doctor (summa cum laude) in May 2018, both from The University of Memphis. In law school, Mr. Rankin graduated number 1 in his class and earned 13 highest-grade awards. Mr. Rankin was licensed to practice law in Tennessee on November 8, 2018.
For 10 years, Mr. Rankin worked for a private immigration law firm where he focused primarily on complex cases in the family, removal, humanitarian, and naturalization arenas.
Mr. Rankin runs his own immigration practice in Memphis, Tennessee. Additionally, he is the Vice Liaison to the Memphis Immigration Court.  He is a frequent speaker at conferences and universities on various immigration law topics.