Faculty Profile: Lindsay Holloway

Lindsay HollowayThis Is Living Ministries
Previous Courses Taught (2)
  • Federal Law Winter Forum: Prosecutorial and Criminal Justice Reform
  • Federal Practice Winter Forum

Lindsay Holloway lived a life of addiction and incarceration for over 8 years. Since being set free from these life-controlling issues, she is driven to shine a light to lead people to Jesus’ transformative love. She has been sharing her testimony and serving in ministry for over 8 years in jails, prisons, schools, and churches. While serving in the Putnam County Jail Ministry for Life Church as the Women’s Leader, she and other volunteers felt God calling them to do more. Out of this stirring, Lindsay, her husband Derek, and other volunteers began a connect group at Life Church to disciple men and women coming out of incarceration and addiction. Next, Lindsay founded This is Living Ministries, a   501(c)3 organization that offers a 12-month re-entry residential home for women coming out incarceration from the Tennessee Department of Corrections, and currently serves as the executive director in Cookeville, TN. She also partners with other nonprofits such as the Beacon Center of Tennessee, ERLC, and Prison Fellowship as an advocacy speaker for criminal justice reform policies. One of her passions is to remove the barriers for those coming out of incarceration to have a real second chance. She lives in Baxter, TN with her husband, Derek, who is an ordained minister, singer, and musician, and their daughter Morgan Holloway. Together they own One Son's Carpentry and Woodworking.