Faculty Profile: Mark Brinkley

Mark BrinkleyTennessee State University
Previous Courses Taught (1)
  • Immigration Law Forum 2024

Mark Brinkley is the director of International Education & Global Learning (IE&GL) in the Office of International Affairs at Tennessee State University (TSU). He is native of Nashville with more than 20 years of experience in corporate America working for Fortune 500 companies such as the US Army, Mobil Oil and The Coca-Cola Company. He has a B.S. in engineering economics from the United State Military Academy at West Point and an MBA in operations from Emory University. Mark has more than 15 years of experience in Global Learning in various positions at TSU and is currently engaged in a Doctoral program in Educational Leadership at TSU.

Mark co-develops and engages TSU students with Cultural Immersion Initiatives for professional development. TSU students are challenged to include the scholarly experiences–leadership, service learning, research, globalization, and pre-professional organizations into their degree programs. Students develop competence in the principles of learning to include core communication and quantitative skills, analysis, critical thinking, integration and application of knowledge. Accountability, morals, and ethics are stressed through curricular and co-curricular activities to include study abroad.

These experiences build on TSU’s long tradition and commitment to Think, Work, and Serve. The student’s experiences include continuous intellectual growth and they graduate being better-prepared to face global challenges. TSU Study Abroad experiences are distinctive because we intentionally uses experiential learning to prepare students for graduate school, careers, and becoming a better global citizen via respectful Human to Human engagement. Study abroad experiences offered at TSU provides skills, knowledge and experiences that are highly prized by employers and establishes the foundation for emerging global leaders.