Faculty Profile: J. Allan Cobb

J. Allan CobbCobb Law, PLLC

Allan Cobb is lawyer, teacher, friend, confidant, drone “hobbyist,” and Pulitzer Prize nominated photographer. He focuses his law practice on federal and state legal malpractice defense, personal injury, business litigation, technology law, and identity theft recovery. He has a B.S. in Political Science and Juris Doctorate from the University of Louisville. Prior to engaging in the civil practice of law, he was an Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney in Jefferson County, Kentucky, where he prosecuted computer crimes, public integrity crimes, and white-collar crimes. While an Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney, he wrote Kentucky’s present computer crime statutes (i.e., KRS 434.840—434.860 “Unlawful Access to a Computer”). Allan has been on faculty at both Boston University and the University of Louisville, and published numerous articles in the areas of law and technology.