Faculty Profile: David Steed

David SteedCornelius & Collins
Previous Courses Taught (8)
  • 33rd Annual Health Law Forum 2021 Online Track – Day 2
  • 33rd Annual Health Law Forum
  • Health Law: Billing Basics
  • 12th Annual Health Law Primer
  • 11th Annual Health Law Primer
  • Tennessee Health Care Perspectives & Issues
  • 20th Annual Health Law Forum
  • 8th Annual Health Law Primer

David has had a special interest in the representation of health care providers for more than three decades, beginning even before his graduation from Vanderbilt Law School in 1980. He has practiced with Cornelius & Collins for almost his entire legal career, starting with the firm in 1984. David is Of Counsel with the firm, with a busy health care practice.
The focus of David's practice focuses on the representation of health care providers, primarily physicians, in a wide range of issues. In addition to representing individual health care providers and groups, David also serves as outside counsel to the Tennessee Medical Association. He has advised the Nashville Academy of Medicine, receiving their "President's Award" in 1994.
In recent years, David has represented many physicians and groups in successfully resolving matters involving disputes with third-party payors, including class actions. He has recovered large sums owed by third-party payors in cases involving complex billing and coding issues. In addition, David has defended many actions by payors arising from retrospective audits, such as Medicare overpayment appeals.
David has also frequently represented physicians in various types of credentialing matters, such as insurance network credentialing, and actions involving hospital medical staff privileges. David has also represented physicians in contested matters before the Board of Medical Examiners. He has successfully defended hundreds of health care providers in medical malpractice actions. He has authored numerous amicus curiae briefs in appellate matters of interest to physicians. He has worked with hospital medical staffs in the development of medical staff bylaws.
As a result of his many years of work in the medical field, David has developed a working knowledge of medicine and billing matters, contributing to his efficient handling of medical matters. Moreover, as the husband of a general surgeon, David has a unique understanding of the many issues facing physicians in the current, challenging healthcare environment.
David received his law degree from Vanderbilt University School of Law in 1980, after receiving his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Miami (FL), where he graduated cum laude with a major in Politics and Public Affairs, and a minor in Economics.