Faculty Profile: Wade Lovin

Wade LovinMBI Companies
Previous Courses Taught (1)
  • Real Estate Essentials 2024

Meet Wade Lovin, a Tennessee trailblazer who has turned the art of land surveying into a 30-year adventure across diverse terrains. Wade has explored and mapped every kind of terrain you can think of from bustling cityscapes and sprawling industrial sites to serene rural expanses and untamed wildlands. He’s not just about the land; he’s also a Certified Floodplain Surveyor. Wade’s impressive portfolio includes iconic spots like Dollywood, Blackberry Farm, and the historic Tennessee Theatre, plus he’s worked with big names like Knoxville Housing and Urban Development, KUB, DOE, and TDEC on State natural areas.  When he’s not charting new boundaries or being the go-to expert witness in boundary disputes, Wade serves on the City of Kingston Planning Commission. Outside the lines of his professional life, he’s a devoted beekeeper, managing the family honeybees, and enjoys puttering around in his spare time, keeping life sweet and balanced.