Tennessee Bar Association CLE Course Catalog

5 Course Found
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Law Practice Management Package: 4 Dual
This essential package, as part of the Summer Success CLE series, tackles law practice management topics such as Client Communication and Management, Cybersecurity and Technology and Business Planning for your practice or firm.  ...
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Summer Success Series: Communication Breakdown: It's Always the Same (But It's Avoidable)
Breakdowns in client communication are a major cause of malpractice claims and practice management problems, creating dissatisfied clients, decreased productivity, and causing conflict both internally and externally. In this webinar, we’ll explain...
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Summer Success Series: How to Create a Written Cybersecurity Plan for Your Organization
Start taking steps today to secure your law firm and your client’s confidential data! Written Information Security Programs (WISPs) are becoming essential in many states that have enacted data protection and business shield legislation. Many...
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Summer Success Series: Move Your Clients Up or Out
The traditional maxim in a military career was “up or out.” Either you progressed up the chain of command or you were urged to find your career calling elsewhere. Similarly, we all have clients we like to work with and those at whom we roll...
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Summer Success Series: Technology and Business Planning for a Law Firm
Simply fixing or replacing technology that breaks will never improve your practice. Most lawyers often feel technologically adrift, although they have a general idea of problems they need to fix and new initiatives they want to launch. A technology plan...
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5 Course Found