
Ethics Update: Current Developments from the Board of Professional Responsibility


Join the Board of Professional Responsibility's Eileen Burkhalter Smith as she reviews the latest Ethics Updates.

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Excellent presentation on ethics.

An interesting and relevant presentation.

Think and do not just react!

The presenter summarized relevant and recent issues of interest in ethics in a way that maintained my attention

Good update on recent ethics and BOPR developments in Tennessee.

The case summaries and the hypotheticals were the most interesting parts.

I found the case summaries usefully concrete, and the redlines on the rule changes convenient.

Details on social media/review comments at the end and summary of big updates helpful. Stories could've been a bit more structured.

Great CLE regarding ethics matter. Regarding miscommunications through bonding companies and consequences. Especially issues involving the actual owner of Bonding Co and just manager employee of Bond Co.

Excellent program and appreciated the timeliness of the content (Facebook/social media dangers, responding to reviews, etc.)

I am always appalled by the behavior of some lawyers who disregard their oath and ethical obligations.

Update on the most recent developments in cases on professional responsibility from TN Supreme Court.

The use of actual cases to highlight both procedural and substantive points was especially helpful and engaging.

The information was extremely helpful!

The presenter was organized, thoughtful, and very interesting. Thanks.

I enjoyed learning about the recent decisions regarding attorney discipline and the court's/board's reasoning behind the discipline. Also, the changed to the advertising rule was helpful

super fascinating. helpful tips in responding to online reviews.

Helpful discussion of current direction the TN Supreme Court is taking in appeals involving misrepresentations made to the court

Thorough presentation on timely subject matter.

Good CLE for attorneys who want to stay up to date on ethical issues.

She did a good job catching the high points and only trying to make a few major points throughout her presentation. Often times, ethics-update presenters use a scatter-gun approach, hitting way too many points so that none are emphasized or remembered.

This was informative and stimulating.

This was a good summary of the year in review in BPR matters. The best part was the analysis of the three specific disciplinary cases -- interesting facts with instruction on substantive rules that applied.

Well presented and timely.


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