Faculty Profile: Elisha Hodge

Elisha HodgeUniversity of Tennessee, MTAS
Previous Courses Taught (12)
  • Local Government Forum 2023: The Tennessee General Assembly in Action: A Review of Recently Passed Legislation
  • Local Government Forum 2023 (Live Virtual)
  • Local Government Forum 2023 (In Person)
  • Administrative Law 2021: Recent Updates Related to the Tennessee Public Records and Open Meetings Act
  • Administrative Law Annual Forum 2021
  • Local Government 2020: Regulating Small Cell Deployment
  • Local Government Forum 2020
  • Administrative Law: Recent Developments in Open Meetings and Public Records in Tennessee
  • Administrative Law Forum 2016
  • Recent Amendments to the Tennessee Public Records Act
  • Public Record
  • Public Records and Your Case

Elisha D. Hodge currently serves as a legal consultant with the University of Tennessee, Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS). Before joining MTAS in October 2014, Elisha served as the Open Records Specialist and the Open Records Counsel for the State of Tennessee from 2007 until 2014. Prior to joining the Comptroller’s office, Elisha prosecuted cases and served as advisory counsel for the Tennessee Department of Health. Elisha graduated for the University of the South (Sewanee) in 2001 and the University of Memphis, Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law in 2003. Elisha is a 2021 graduate of the Tennessee Certified Public Manager program and is an Intercultural Developmental Inventory Qualified Administrator. She also serves as both a UT Promise Mentor and a tnAchieves Mentor.