Modern Family: When Divorce Turns Criminal


Divorce can be trying times for clients. In this session attorney David Veile will discuss domestic violence charges, order of protection, stay away orders, subpoenas, and how to handle clients who complicate divorces with harassment, GPS tracking, and other ugliness.

SAVE MONEY: Use the prepaid CLE credits that come with your TBA Complete Membership and take this course for free. Not a TBA member, join now to start saving


This course is no longer available for purchase.

Course InformationHighlights
  • Viewable on desktop or mobile devices
  • Flexible to your schedule
  • Dual PowerPoint and video presentation
Course Credits Dual Credits: 0.00
General Credits: 1.00
Total Credits: 1

This program will be filed for Tennessee CLE credit. Please email a request to for Georgia and Mississippi CLE credit.