Ethics, Law Office Technology/Management

TCAIL 24: Access to Justice and AI


The AI Revolution has significant ramifications for efforts to address our access to justice crisis. University of Tennessee College of Law Professors Ben Barton and Eliza Boles will offer an overview of where we’ve been, where we are, and where we might be going, including discussions of the existing provision of legal services online and what might come next. AI will affect how legal aid and solo practitioners work, allowing existing practitioners to reach more legal need. It will also offer better information and forms for pro se litigants. Likewise, courts can embrace technology to streamline processes and handle cases more quickly and fairly.

AI has largely been considered as a threat to lawyers, but it does not have to be. Properly regulated and guided we can see a future where technology allows lawyers and courts to serve more clients of all income levels more cheaply and fairly, while preserving the special role lawyers have always played in our system of justice.


Course Pricing
  • Member: 50.00
  • Non-Member: 80.00
  • Section: 40.00
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Course InformationHighlights
  • Ethics Credit Available
  • Convenient CLE from your home or office
  • VIewable from your laptop or mobile device
Course Credits Dual Credits: 1.00
General Credits: 0.00
Total Credits: 1

This program will be filed for Tennessee CLE credit. Please email a request to for Georgia and Mississippi CLE credit.