This year's Dispute Resolution Forum makes its return on May 14! The program will feature carefully crafted sessions tailored to both lawyers and mediators presented by speakers from the ADR vocation. Stay tuned for more information!
This program will utilize Zoom Webinar. The email associated with your TBA account will receive the link to join the Zoom meeting invitation. The event will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. CT / 10:00 a.m. ET on Wednesday, May 14.
*Please Note: You must register before 8:00 a.m. CT on Wednesday, May 14 to receive the Zoom email invitation and access information. If you must register after this time, please contact us at
SAVE MONEY: Use the prepaid CLE credits that come with your TBA Complete Membership. Not a TBA member? Join now to start saving.
Not a member of the Dispute Resolution section? Join now for additional savings and benefits.
CME Credit: Attendees seeking CME credit for this video will need to self-submit through the AOC's ADR Portal. If needed, please use the proof of completion email as the supportive documentation in the portal.
This program will be filed for Tennessee CLE credit. Please contact TBA for Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama credit.