Intellectual Property Law: 4 General

1-Click Package

Evolving technology, trends, and other disrupters, like artificial intelligence (AI), continuously blur lines between long-standing intellectual property (IP) doctrines and future applications of the law. Attorneys are challenged to stay on top of the incessant cycle of new problems, issues, and strategies for IP protection and enforcement that result from these disruptors. Join us at the 2024 TBA Intellectual Property Law Forum to embrace the blur, and learn about the latest on AI and copyright, AI and patent law and practice, IP issues within the alcohol world, and the intersection between IP and street art.

SAVE MONEY: Use the prepaid CLE credits that come with your TBA Complete Membership. Not a TBA member? Join now to start saving.

Not an IP section member? Join the section for additional savings.

Courses Included

Package Pricing
  • Member: 200.00
  • Non-Member: 320.00
  • Section: 160.00
If you are not a TBA Member, you can join now to receive CLE discount prices and three prepaid credits.

TBA members who are judges, lawmakers and law students can take TBA CLE onsite courses at no charge for the programming. There may be a separate charge if meals, special materials or other premium features are involved.
Package Credits Dual Credits: 0
General Credits: 4
Total Credits: 4 Highlights
  • Convenient CLE Packages
  • Earn all of your CLE by December 31
  • View from the comfort of your own home or office