Ethics, Law Office Technology/Management

Modern Law Practice Series: Consumer-Facing Service and the Impact on Law Practice [Webcast]

Information on the Evolving Legal Market

Just as trends in technology and innovation are reshaping the way in which law is practiced, they're also changing the preferences and motivations of the modern legal consumer. Many experts are theorizing that in order for firms to thrive in the future, they'll need to take the impulses of these consumers into account and provide services tailor-made for their clients' needs.

This session, hosted by the TBA Special Committee on the Evolving Legal Market, will examine the ways in which consumer-facing companies like Avvo and LegalZoom have capitalized on tailoring services to the needs of the modern legal client. It will also explore emerging trends in the delivery of legal services and how focusing on consumer behavior could benefit your law firm.

This program is also being offered in-person. For more information or to register, click here.

SAVE MONEY: Use the prepaid CLE credits that come with your TBA Complete Membership and save on this course. Not a TBA member? Join now to start saving.

Excellent content!

Course was helpful to navigate the technology changes that are quickly changing the law practice and to learn of different ways both Legal Zoom, Rocker Lawyer and referral web sites can assist in a small practice.


This course is no longer available for purchase.

Course Information Webcast - Archived Video Highlights
  • Dual PowerPoint and video presentation
  • Flexible to your schedule
  • Viewable on desktop, iPad, and mobile
  • Ethics credit
Course Credits Dual Credits: 3.00
General Credits: 0.00
Total Credits: 3

This program will be filed for Tennessee CLE credit. Please email a request to for Georgia and Mississippi CLE credit.